
William S. Becker

Energy & Climate Policy Expert

William Becker served for nearly two decades as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Energy, specializing in energy efficiency and renewable energy. In 2007 he left DOE to create the Presidential Climate Action Project, which convenes national thought leaders to develop recommendations on federal policies to promote clean energy and to combat global climate change. Bill began his career in journalism, beginning at age 19 as a combat correspondent for the U.S. Army in the Vietnam War. He has been a reporter with the Associated Press and the publisher of his own weekly newspaper in rural Wisconsin, where he proposed and helped implement the relocation of flood-prone village to higher ground and its reconstruction as the nation's first solar-heated community. The village is nationally recognized as a pioneer of nonstructural flood prevention. Since then, he has assembled teams of experts to help disaster-affected cities rebuild as more sustainable and resilient communities, ranging from the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to the reconstruction of homes in Thailand for victims of the Christmas Tsunami. Bill has had an eclectic career including stints as the research director for the Republican caucus in the Wisconsin State Senate; Executive Assistant to Wisconsin's Attorney General; and Counselor to the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. He has authored several books and major policy studies. He lectures nationally and internationally on sustainable development, clean energy and how to address global warming.

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